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Sealed with Dogecoin Technology Prediction: We can use Memory-boosting implants in our brains to convert short-term into long-term memoriesAge: 0 minute

Sealed in 08 August 2020 00:00:00 Opened at: 08 August 2020 00:00:01
The hippocampus, a region buried deep within the folds and grooves of the brain, is the critical gatekeeper that transforms memories from short-lived to long-term. In dogged pursuit, Dr. Theodore Berger spent most of the last 35 years trying to understand how neurons in the hippocampus accomplish this complicated feat. At its heart, a memory is a series of electrical pulses that occur over time that are generated by a given number of neurons, said Berger. This is important — it suggests that we can reduce it to mathematical equations and put it into a computational framework.
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