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Current Server Time 2024-04-23 08:03:37
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Will i get do date him in a week?Age: 1 week

Sealed in 17 January 2022 07:59:17 Opened at: 24 January 2022 17:15:00
Hiii next week's meee!! Did you get to date Danny? This day's me is struggling very hard to approach him!! I'll make sure to make a lots of move and be more confidence towards him!! Sigh, i wish i can foresee everything. It wouldn't be this hard of only i can foresee the future. But anyways, let me know if we successed! I'll be waiting on those good news!! I'll try to make more opportunities so that we can sit and talk, and also, I'll practice to see him in the eye. I don't know if i'd succeed but i'll try my best! See you in a week!!
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