I want to be a professional football player like C.ronaldoAge: 0 minute
Sealed in 11 September 2014 12:17:39
Opened at: 11 September 2014 12:17:39
I am a young ordinary kid with an ordinary family and ordinary friends and neighbor. But I am not popular all over the world. But I am a little popular boy at school. But I want to make myself more popular. I want to earn a lot of money. This seem awkward to people but for me is not awkward. I want to be like Cristiano Ronaldo. He is a famous footballer dude. He kicks professionally unlike all players. But no one has ever been more handsome or muscular. This is just awesome. A person like Cristiano Ronaldo has fans. But I don’t have. He hangs out with fans. Well I just want to have more people to hang out wit. He uses money like water. I don’t want to use money like water. IS like I am wasting money for no reason. But I don’t want to be rich for wrong reason. As you can see there are a lot of poor people all over the world. I also want to be in heaven when I die. But people say money can change you. But is wrong and people who says that are dumb. It can’t be true. It is 90% rite and 10% is not rite. Yes people use money for wrong reason on bad things. But people like me won’t be like that. I don’t want to be a bad person. HE also has talented skills. He tackles almost all people. Lionel Messi is an awesome player but he still can’t be a good rival for Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo says is easy for me to have Messi as a rival. And is true. I am too crazy. I even named myself as Nay Ronaldo. I am trying to play like him but it is impossible. This is just awkward dream. People will say hey Henry if you pray you will get a bubble. They say that because they are jealous of my dreams. But I am don’t care about them because they also want to have dream like me. Now for several years I have been training and now I am 25% succeeding it. My friends say try to get rid of that fats in your big fat tummy. I say ok. If I just get rid of my stinky fatty belly I will be like player from SKT. We also need professional coach but is hard to find a professional coach here. We wish our Principal TR. Adam would find a crazy awesome wicked coach from Turkey or from other countries in World Cup. I love playing football. Football is wicked. I play it in all time when I am free. I play Football since Kg. But sometime I change sport. But I try to put my brain back on football. But successfully I have been playing football for many years. Thank god. I am achieving my dreams now. In-Shar-Allah may god help me achieve my dream.
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Owner: Nay Ronaldo Skrillex Mysterio