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Current Server Time 2024-07-27 14:38:44
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After 1 year, one.Age: 12 months

Sealed in 14 January 2023 10:47:30 Opened at: 01 January 2024 00:00:00
Hi me 1 year from now ^___^ You're currently lost and confused on what you wanted to do in your life. You feel like everyone will leave you anytime and you're really afraid to lose them. You don't have choice but to accept the fact that they need to leave you. But, you're happy :))) You're happy because even though you know they will leave you, you're still enjoying your remaining time with them. You feel loved, cared, and prioritized right now. You met so many people, you went home very late, you're almost sexually harassed but before those things happened, you're happily enjoying yourself.

So this is the first month of 2023, I hope now, while you're reading this on your present time, I hope you achieved the following:

1). Improved your lifestyle
2). Continuous workout
3). Move out from your uncle's home
4). Your siblings migrated to other country
5). Loving yourself dearly
6). Improving your career in medical field
7). You're still in a relationship with your dearest.
8). You have a car
9). You have a work
10). Healthy mental health
11). Improved and discovered new hobbies
12). Have a cat
13). Have your own apartment
14). Started what you wanted to do (kung ano man ang iniisip mo right now).
15. Happy :))

If you managed to do all those things, I'm so proud of you!! You're so strong and so brave to face all of your problems, please write another letter responding to this letter to celebrate our simple success. ^___^


If you didn't achieve some/most/nothing of them (especially the most important one), I'm more proud of you!! We know life is so hard, everyday is a challenge so waking up and still being there 1 year from now, it's a big achievement already!!! So keep going until you achieved all of our bucket lists ^___^ Please write back to this letter and let's keep on going!!!

I love you my future self. Remember that at the end of the day, we only got ourself so be brave, be still, and be strong!! I'm always proud of you and your progress.
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