the Time Capsule
The Online Time Capsule

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Has a doge icon and supports us. You can send ANY amount of dogecoin. Donation adress: DKJGUDaeMnjqW28hwPftiAtXMoYpthzrf6
Current Server Time 2024-04-24 22:47:40
Time to open it *
Opened capsules Opened 6022
Sealed capsules Sealed 1589

Sealed with Dogecoin Gifted skinAge: 12 months

Sealed in 15 May 2020 11:49:26 Opened at: 15 May 2021 12:45:00
Epic free skins and lots of awesome rewards next year, lot of life changing events, lots of fun and adventures with you MLBB. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING, we appreciate all of the hard works for all developers of the game and all the people around you, wish you good luck, and I'll support you no matter what..
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