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Current Server Time 2024-07-27 15:56:36
Time to open it *
Opened capsules Opened 6209
Sealed capsules Sealed 1548

TIME CAPSULEAge: 6 months

Sealed in 24 November 2022 12:23:25 Opened at: 02 June 2023 00:00:00
what are your predictions for your personal life?
will you have passed 4t d'ESO or will you be retaking some exams? If so, what subjects?
I will not retake any exam, I think I will pass all the subjects.

will your family life be the same? Will there be any additions to the family? Will something important have happened?
I think my family will be the same, We don’t be more people in the family.
what about your love life? and your friends, will they be the same?
I will have girlfriend, now I have girlfriend and we are going to last a long time.

what are your predictions about the world news?
who will win the World Cup? and the Spanish league?
England will win the world cup and Barça will win the Spanish league.
will the war in Ukraine have ended?
The war in Ukraine will be ended because Rusia will win the war.
will there be any natural disasters?
Yes, In the world will be many natural disasters and more right now because we are in winter.
What are you going to do
in the summer?
I will go to USA to visit the different citys and I will stay with my girlfriend.
next year?
I will make batxillerat and I will arrive to Catalunya Championship.
-Next month I will win Olot in my hockey league. This team is the first in the league.
Observers 0 Views : 124 Owner: Albert Molera
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