There will be a total solar eclipse, best seen from Italy (Sun 100% covered), Spain (Sun 100% covered), Iceland (Sun 100% covered), Greenland (Sun 100% covered), France (Sun 100% covered) and Andorra (Sun 100% covered).
There will be a total solar eclipse, best seen from Italy (Sun 100% covered), Spain (Sun 100% covered), Iceland (Sun 100% covered), Greenland (Sun 100% covered), France (Sun 100% covered) and Andorra (Sun 100% covered).
The best storage medium might actually be DNA, considering the vast amount of information it store relative to its weight – one gram can theoretically hold some 455 exabytes or more than the data collectively stored by all of Google, Facebook and every other tech company.
The best storage medium might actually be DNA, considering the vast amount of information it store relative to its weight – one gram can theoretically hold some 455 exabytes or more than the data collectively stored by all of Google, Facebook and every other tech company.
The new ability (named Brainguage) of our bodies will be unlocked with artificially developed organic implant. We will communicate via brain signals, which will eliminate the need of speaking and knowing foreign languages. Also if you want to lie to someone, you have to speak. If you use brain vibes - the other person will catch if you lying.
The new ability (named Brainguage) of our bodies will be unlocked with artificially developed organic implant. We will communicate via brain signals, which will eliminate the need of speaking and knowing foreign languages. Also if you want to lie to someone, you have to speak. If you use brain vibes - the other person will catch if you lying.
In just over 30 years, humans will be able to upload their entire minds to computers and become digitally immortal - an event called singularity - according to Ray Kurzweil - a futurist and director of engineering at Google.
In just over 30 years, humans will be able to upload their entire minds to computers and become digitally immortal - an event called singularity - according to Ray Kurzweil - a futurist and director of engineering at Google.
Tony Williams, the founder of the British-based legal consulting firm, said that law firms will see nearly all their process work handled by artificial intelligence robots. The robotic undertaking will revolutionize the industry, “completely upending the traditional associate leverage model.”
Tony Williams, the founder of the British-based legal consulting firm, said that law firms will see nearly all their process work handled by artificial intelligence robots. The robotic undertaking will revolutionize the industry, “completely upending the traditional associate leverage model.”
China is planting huge strips of trees to stop the Gobi Desert. For decades it has been advancing and causing serious dust storms in key cities such as Beijing. Since 1978 the government has been planting trees to reverse the widespread deforestation that took place in China. Now a recent study suggests the project has been a success They found increased vegetation and lower levels of dust storm intensity. By 2050 100 billion trees will be planted across a tenth of the country
China is planting huge strips of trees to stop the Gobi Desert. For decades it has been advancing and causing serious dust storms in key cities such as Beijing. Since 1978 the government has been planting trees to reverse the widespread deforestation that took place in China. Now a recent study suggests the project has been a success They found increased vegetation and lower levels of dust storm intensity. By 2050 100 billion trees will be planted across a tenth of the country
Negroponte takes you on a journey through the last 30 years of tech. The consummate predictor highlights interfaces and innovations he foresaw in the 1970s and 1980s that were scoffed at then but are ubiquitous today. And he leaves you with one last (absurd? brilliant?) prediction for the coming 30 years.
Negroponte takes you on a journey through the last 30 years of tech. The consummate predictor highlights interfaces and innovations he foresaw in the 1970s and 1980s that were scoffed at then but are ubiquitous today. And he leaves you with one last (absurd? brilliant?) prediction for the coming 30 years.
One of the main goals of World Health Organization (WHO), for the next 10 years, is to accelerate the full elimination of malaria worldwide. "Strike before the malaria do it to over 660 000 people in the world every year".
One of the main goals of World Health Organization (WHO), for the next 10 years, is to accelerate the full elimination of malaria worldwide. "Strike before the malaria do it to over 660 000 people in the world every year".
In a tribute to the great Robin Williams. We hope the predictions of "Bicentennial man" will happen one day and such significant persons can survive in centuries. Deep bow.
In a tribute to the great Robin Williams. We hope the predictions of "Bicentennial man" will happen one day and such significant persons can survive in centuries. Deep bow.
During World War II, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) lent Britain highly skilled radar technicians—“the Secret 5,000”—who flew on patrols over the Atlantic Ocean to detect German submarines and aircraft. The RCAF deemed its work so classified it sealed all pertinent records about the operation for a century.
During World War II, the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) lent Britain highly skilled radar technicians—“the Secret 5,000”—who flew on patrols over the Atlantic Ocean to detect German submarines and aircraft. The RCAF deemed its work so classified it sealed all pertinent records about the operation for a century.
On 10th May 1941, deputy Führer Rudolf Hess flew from Germany to Scotland, claiming that he wanted to discuss peace terms with Britain and that their common enemy was the Soviet Union. Hess’ correspondence with King George VI is scheduled to be unsealed after 100 years - in 2041.
On 10th May 1941, deputy Führer Rudolf Hess flew from Germany to Scotland, claiming that he wanted to discuss peace terms with Britain and that their common enemy was the Soviet Union. Hess’ correspondence with King George VI is scheduled to be unsealed after 100 years - in 2041.
Within 20 minutes, on June 17th 1940, the luxury liner R.M.S. Lancastria went down, taking with her an estimated 4,000 to 7,000 victims. The official report of this terrible incident was sealed for 100 years under the Official Secrets Act.
Within 20 minutes, on June 17th 1940, the luxury liner R.M.S. Lancastria went down, taking with her an estimated 4,000 to 7,000 victims. The official report of this terrible incident was sealed for 100 years under the Official Secrets Act.
What could lead a king to an quick abdication - only 10 months on the throne? Maybe the love story from 1936 between united kingdom`s king Eduard VIII and the american socialite and divorcée Wallis Simpson could tell us the answer. Or may be one collection of “sensitive documents” (Box 24), pertaining to the king's abdication could tell us better. Unfortunately this box with answers is sealed until 2037. If you want to know how the story will end, observe this capsule and will receive e-mail notification when the date comes.
What could lead a king to an quick abdication - only 10 months on the throne? Maybe the love story from 1936 between united kingdom`s king Eduard VIII and the american socialite and divorcée Wallis Simpson could tell us the answer. Or may be one collection of “sensitive documents” (Box 24), pertaining to the king's abdication could tell us better. Unfortunately this box with answers is sealed until 2037. If you want to know how the story will end, observe this capsule and will receive e-mail notification when the date comes.
Fearing that Martin Luther King Jr. had ties to Communist organizations, the FBI spied on him for several years. On January 31, 1977, district Judge John Lewis Smith, Jr., ordered all known copies of recorded audiotapes and written transcripts to be sealed in the National Archives and away from public access for 50 years.
Fearing that Martin Luther King Jr. had ties to Communist organizations, the FBI spied on him for several years. On January 31, 1977, district Judge John Lewis Smith, Jr., ordered all known copies of recorded audiotapes and written transcripts to be sealed in the National Archives and away from public access for 50 years.
How do you feel, if someday you meеt your indentical stranger? Do you know, that in 60's there was such project about sending adopted twins in different homes, to live different lives. The results from the Nature vs Nurture Twins study are sealed until 2066.
More info here:
How do you feel, if someday you meеt your indentical stranger? Do you know, that in 60's there was such project about sending adopted twins in different homes, to live different lives. The results from the Nature vs Nurture Twins study are sealed until 2066.
More info here:
The Watergate Scandal (June 17, 1972) came to be associated with the greatest political scandal of 20th, changes the lives of the many people involved — especially President Richard M. Nixon. Nixon "escaped" the justice process only with a resignition and the process documents remain sealed until 2026.
The Watergate Scandal (June 17, 1972) came to be associated with the greatest political scandal of 20th, changes the lives of the many people involved — especially President Richard M. Nixon. Nixon "escaped" the justice process only with a resignition and the process documents remain sealed until 2026.
Inspired by movie "Her" (2013) - What if in 2025, your OS has its own personality, feelings and thoughts And helps you for everything .. and make you laugh .. and you have to be careful not to dissapoint it (especially if it is "She"), if you don't want your OS to leave you.
Inspired by movie "Her" (2013) - What if in 2025, your OS has its own personality, feelings and thoughts And helps you for everything .. and make you laugh .. and you have to be careful not to dissapoint it (especially if it is "She"), if you don't want your OS to leave you.
What Makes Us Happy? Is there a formula—some mix of love, work, and psychological adaptation—for a good life? For 72 years, researchers at Harvard have been examining this question, following 268 men who entered college in the late 1930s.Who were the participants - will know in 2040, maybe JFK and some more interesting persons are in the list
What Makes Us Happy? Is there a formula—some mix of love, work, and psychological adaptation—for a good life? For 72 years, researchers at Harvard have been examining this question, following 268 men who entered college in the late 1930s.Who were the participants - will know in 2040, maybe JFK and some more interesting persons are in the list