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Sealed in 08 May 2020 07:15:20
Opened at: 09 May 2020 00:45:00
who won


Age: 17 hours Observers 0 Views : 431 Owner: reanne
Owner: reanne
Sealed in 29 April 2020 05:16:31
Opened at: 09 May 2020 00:00:00
puh 200428

puh 200428

Age: 1 week Observers 0 Views : 399
Sealed in 08 May 2020 17:52:19
Opened at: 08 May 2020 17:52:19
Capsula do Ruan Sarti

Oi Ruan, amigos e mamãe aniversariante do dia!

Por meio dessa simples carta escrita sia 08 de Abril no ano de 2020 vou escrever tudo o que espero até esse ano onde essa carta irá se abrir.

Bom, nem sei por onde eu começo meu eu do futuro kkkkkkk são tantas coisas que estão acontecendo, hoje nós estamos pintando as paredes do apartamento no buritis em meio de um pandemia mundial, sua vida ainda estava indefinida e não estavamos entendo a forma na qual Deus que agir em nossas vidas.

Vou começar falando de você Marcelo meu irmão, conheci você em 2012 na Igreja lá no Belvedere, a gente jogava minecraft nos iphones 4 de nossas mães e a sua mãe tinha um iphone de vaquinha kkkkkkk
tenho certeza que nunca vamos perder o contato mano conhecer você essencial em minha vida, você é firmeza dms, a gente as vezes vai pra sua fazenda, jogamos ping pong, baralho, videogame, peteca, futebol e andamos de jetski lembro da vez que eu te puxei pra dentro da água lkkkkkkkk burrice viu mano, tem muita coisa pra acontecer ainda e a gente possa relembrar de tudo lendo isso.

Ruan, você jogava quase todos os dias com o Henry, você conheceu ele numa festa onde ele entrou de penetra e vocês tiram fotos impressas junto com o seu outro amigo Guilherme que você conheceu no colégio tiradentes, você e o henry construiram uma amizade diaria de conversas, henry é um cara com coração gigante que eu admiro muito

Você nessa época tava apaixonadinho na Duda Bittencourt, você conheceu ela no tiradentes em 2019 e você chegou a acompanhar-la em casa quase todos os dias (não devia ter feito isso gado) vocês em uma época trocavam muita ideia e com o tempo as coisas meio que mudaram e você as vezes tentava acertar as coisas e parecia que estava afastando cada vez mais, e você tentava acertar as coisas mesmo ela dizendo que estava tudo bem, teve uma vez que você ficou chateado por ela não ter compreendido e decidiram ser amigos e ver no que dá, e ficou super chateado com isso. Mas apesar disso ela é uma pessoa incrivel, gente boa e super firmeza, amo demais de conversar com vc e eu espero que você tenha contato dela ainda

A Hellen, sua melhor amiga e que você as vezes fica em dúvida se gosta dela (não como amiga né rsrs) e nunca irá se esquecer dela obviamente, porque, você dançou com ela como príncipe em sua festa de 15, a Hellen é linda, coração gigante, ama o próximo e as vezes isso a atrapalha muito, tenho quase certeza que vocês não perderão o contato.

o Guilherme você conheceu no tiradentes em 2019, muito gb e parece não se importar com você, mas você grada muito dele.

Carol: Você começou a conversar muito com a Carol depois da resenha do Henrique Carol ´muito gente boa, sempre te escuta e da muita atenção é uma ótima amiga pra sempre!
Judith e Gilmar, serei eternamente gratos pelo o que vocês fazem por minha familía, Deus enviou vocês para nós de um jeito incrivel, considero vocês como meus pais, amo muito vocês! muito mesmo!

Agora é sua vez EU DO FUTURO!
Sua vida está um pouco indefinida, mas tenho certeza de o que Deus prometeu para você irá se cumprir, espero que você já esteja namorando com uma pessoa preparada por Deus, não sei se a conheço ainda, mas vou ama-la muito! Espero que você trabalhe duro, com a ajuda de Deus para conquistar sempre o que você desejar, espero que você esteja bem sucedido em todas as áreas de sua vida, e sua mãe Ellen Sarti já está com a carreira no apice graças a Deus.
Hoje você estuda no colégio tiradentes e nós desse ano estamos vivendo uma pandemia catastrófica que vem matando muita gente.

Rebeca, minha irmã linda espero que Deus tenha realizado todos os seus sonhos e desejos, tudo vai dar certo tenho certeza disso.

Pai, a situação nossa atual está bem indefinida, o Sr fez muitas bobagens ao longo de sua vida que acabaram ocasionando o momento atual e que já se passou, Deus irá te restituir em tudo que você perdeu

Escrevo pra você no ano de 2020, e afirmando que tudo já deu certo, Deus é Deus e ele cumpre o que promete, sua carreira já deu certo, você é incrivel perante ao Pai e escolhida por ele entre Bilhões de pessoas no mundo.
A senhora nessa época estava chateada e muito triste com algumas coisas, mas tenho certeza que isso já acabou e faz tempo viu kkkkkkkk
tô escrevendo esse texto só para recebermos inesperadamente em 2027 kkkkkkk

Henry Casley Ventura Dos Santos
Duda Bittencourt: Maria Eduarda Rodrigues Maximo Bittencourt ou
Maria Eduarda Maximo Rodrigues Bittencourt
Guilherme: Guilherme Augusto Pereira Lemos
Hellen: Hellen Cristina De Oliveira Lima
Carol: Carolina Aparecida Reis Santiago

Age: 0 minute Observers 0 Views : 368 Owner: catatau
Owner: catatau
Sealed in 08 May 2020 15:33:35
Opened at: 08 May 2020 15:33:35
teste kkk

teste okok

Age: 0 minute Observers 0 Views : 380 Owner: ctata
Owner: ctata
Sealed in 06 May 2020 05:26:30
Opened at: 08 May 2020 00:00:00


Age: 2 days Observers 0 Views : 409 Owner: rei2
Owner: rei2
Sealed in 09 August 2015 09:59:41
Opened at: 04 May 2020 15:30:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Medical Prediction: Immunotherapy replaces chemotherapy as the standard cancer treatment

Terminally ill cancer patients could be “effectively cured” of the disease using a powerful new combination of drugs described by scientists as heralding a once-in-a-generation advance in treatment.

A British-led trial brought “spectacular” results with more than half of patients with advanced melanoma seeing tumours shrink or brought under control using the drugs.

Prof Roy Herbst, chief of medical oncology at Yale Cancer Centre in the US, said the treatment, which uses the body’s immune system to attack cancerous cells, could potentially replace chemotherapy as the standard cancer treatment within five years.

“I think we are seeing a paradigm shift in the way oncology is being treated,” he said. “The potential for long-term survival, effective cure, is definitely there.”

In an international trial, 945 patients with advanced melanoma were treated using the drugs ipilimumab and nivolumab. The treatments stopped cancer advancing for nearly a year in 58% of cases, with tumours stable or shrinking for an average of 11.5 months, researchers found.

This was compared with 19% of cases for ipilimumab alone, with tumours stable or shrinking for an average of two and a half months, according to the research published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Dr James Larkin, a consultant at the Royal Marsden hospital and one of the UK’s lead investigators, told the BBC: “By giving these drugs together you are effectively taking two brakes off the immune system rather than one, so the immune system is able to recognise tumours it wasn’t previously recognising and react to that and destroy them.

“For immunotherapies, we’ve never seen tumour shrinkage rates over 50% so that’s very significant to see. This is a treatment modality that I think is going to have a big future for the treatment of cancer.”

Ipilimumab was approved as an advanced melanoma treatment by the UK’s health service last year. The drug is given intravenously every three months and costs around £100,000 for a year. Nivolumab is given every two weeks until it stops working.

Dr Alan Worsley, Cancer Research UK’s senior science information officer, said the combination of ipilimumab and nivolumab represented a “a powerful one-two punch” against advanced melanoma.

He added: “Together these drugs could release the brakes on the immune system while blocking cancer’s ability to hide from it. But combining these treatments also increases the likelihood of potentially quite severe side-effects. Identifying which patients are most likely to benefit will be key to bringing our best weapons to bear against the disease.”

Side-effects can include fatigue, rash and diarrhoea.

Eminent oncologist Prof Karol Sikora, the dean of the University of Buckingham’s medical school, cautioned against expectations of “miraculous breakthroughs” from the latest discoveries.

Sikora told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: “The immune system has been known to affect certain cancers when stimulated for the last 100 years, but we haven’t quite got round it yet.

“The current discoveries being released in Chicago, the media pick them up and for cancer patients it’s very sad. You would think cancer was being cured tomorrow. It’s not the case. We’ve got a lot to learn.

“The prolongation of survival from these very expensive immune therapies is often a matter of weeks or months and we’ve got to make it long-lasting and that has to be our priority.

“I’m afraid it’s mixed news. There are breakthroughs coming, there is hope for cancer, that we will do much better in the future. It’s slow progress, rather than miraculous breakthroughs, as it’s likely to be reported.”

Case study

One patient who has benefited from the treatment is former college teacher Vicky Brown, 61, who was told in 2013 she had only months to live after skin cancer spread to her breast and lungs.

She took part in clinical trials at the Royal Marsden hospital last August and within weeks the tumour was eradicated. When it later returned, it was removed with immunotherapy. It has come back a third time but doctors plan to use the same method.

“I started drug therapy in August 2014, and although I experienced quite severe side-effects these were able to be treated so I could stay on the trial,” Brown said.

“One of the lumps disappeared after just a couple of weeks which was remarkable. I was delighted to be given the chance to join this trial, not only for me, but also for all the other melanoma patients who could benefit in the future.”


Age: 58 months Observers 0 Views : 1243 Owner: E-type
Owner: E-type
Sealed in 15 May 2017 21:46:37
Opened at: 30 April 2020 22:00:00
All publicly funded scientific papers published in Europe are now free to access

All publicly funded scientific papers published in Europe could be made free to access by 2020, under a “life-changing” reform ordered by the European Union’s science chief, Carlos Moedas.

The Competitiveness Council, a gathering of ministers of science, innovation, trade and industry, agreed on the target following a two-day meeting in Brussels last week.

The move means publications of the results of research supported by public and public-private funds would be freely available to and reusable by anyone. It could affect the paid-for subscription model used by many scientific journals, and undermine the common practice of releasing reports under embargo.

At present the results of some publicly funded research are not accessible to people outside universities and similar institutions without one-off payments, which means that many teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs and others do not have access to the latest scientific insights. In the UK, funding bodies generally require that researchers publish under open access terms, with open access publishing fees paid from the researcher’s grant.

The council said this data must be made accessible unless there were well-founded reasons for not doing so, such as intellectual property rights or security or privacy issues.

The changes are part of a broader set of recommendations in support of Open Science, a concept that also includes improved storage of and access to research data, Science magazine reports.

Open Science has been heavily lobbied for by the Dutch government, which currently holds the presidency of the Council of the EU, as well as by Moedas, the European commissioner for research and innovation.

Moedas told a press conference: “We probably don’t realise it yet, but what the Dutch presidency has achieved is unique and huge. The commission is totally committed to help move this forward.”

Sander Dekker, the Dutch state secretary for education, culture, and science, said in a statement: “Research and innovation generate economic growth and more jobs and provide solutions to societal challenges. And that means a stronger Europe.

“To achieve that, Europe must be as attractive as possible for researchers and startups to locate here and for companies to invest. That calls for knowledge to be freely shared. The time for talking about open access is now past. With these agreements, we are going to achieve it in practice.”

The League of European Research Universities called the decision “a major boost for the transition towards and Open Science system”.

But while the council has called for immediate open access “without embargoes or with as short as possible embargoes”, some said the 2020 target was unrealistic.

A spokesperson for the council told Science magazine that it “may not be an easy task”, but spoke of the council’s resolve. “This is not a law, but it’s a political orientation for the 28 governments. The important thing is that there is a consensus.”


Age: 36 months Observers 0 Views : 1018 Owner: Dagger_69
Owner: Dagger_69
Sealed in 02 April 2020 01:51:43
Opened at: 30 April 2020 00:00:00



Age: 4 weeks Observers 0 Views : 444
Sealed in 03 March 2015 18:21:00
Opened at: 25 April 2020 09:00:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Declassified: WWII German flying "Discs" aircraft

The US 415th NFS encountered German disc weapons launched from BELOW their aircraft over German-held territory which interfered with the aircraft's prop engines. OFFICIAL (key word) photographs and "Foo Fighter" documentation of these German weapons exist and are available to the public despite the USAAF never explaining what that weapon was. Second, other OFFICIAL US Army and AAF Technical Intelligence Reports from 1945 list similar strange flight craft encountered over the Reich in the last year of the war. Jim Wilson of Popular Mechanics magazine researched this material for an article and through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) documents discovered that the modern USAF ADMITTED by 1995 that the Germans possessed flight discs but only conceded that they were "inherently unstable". No proper identification of those discs nor photos were disclosed. In fact, further classified German discs are not to be declassified until 2020 and the Kahla Complex where they were to be manufactured until 2045. There is also the problem of known German varied disc and circular aircraft programs that can be properly identified which include Focke's Fw Rochen patent, Sack's AS-6V-1, Epps Omega Diskus test models, Schaubergers Repulsin discoid motors, and Schwenteit Elektrische Luft Turbine und Raumschiff patent postwar that is credited as a Schriever/Miethe disc design from WW2 (the mystery V-7). All this evidence is readily available and in print as well. You might consider the German evidence as well from Luftwaffe Sonderburo 13 which was tasked with covering up civilian and military sightings of strange craft over the Reich. On September 29, 1944 a Me-262 pilot on a test run spotted the Andromeda Gerat cylindrical raumschiff traveling at 1,200 mph. His report to Sonderburo 13 is OFFICIAL and on file (although the jet pilot had no idea what the unmarked 348 foot long object was). Sonderburo 13 covered it up as an unknown Allied craft. Finally, there is the postwar evidence of a race to build these type craft as evidenced by AVRO Canada's disc designs (16 of them) and US disc designs now being declassified by Lockheed, Northrop, and NASA.

More information:

Age: 63 months Observers 1 Has 1 observer Views : 1138 Owner: Dagger_69
Owner: Dagger_69
Sealed in 19 April 2020 20:46:40
Opened at: 25 April 2020 00:00:00
Guess the number

Number: 52
Prize: EDVD

Age: 5 days Observers 0 Views : 394 Owner: Senoc
Owner: Senoc

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