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21 October 2030
"We feel that a cure for cancer or to changing cancer patients' lives is in our grasp," professor Ozlem Tureci told BBC News in an interview over the weekend. Her husband, professor Ugur Sahin, with whom she cofounded the German pharmaceutical company BioNTech, said he thought cancer vaccines could be widely available "before 2030."
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"We feel that a cure for cancer or to changing cancer patients' lives is in our grasp," professor Ozlem Tureci told BBC News in an interview over the weekend. Her husband, professor Ugur Sahin, with whom she cofounded the German pharmaceutical company BioNTech, said he thought cancer vaccines could be widely available "before 2030."
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18 January 2025
Khodorkovsky, whose oil empire once produced more crude than Qatar before he ran afoul of Putin, said the Kremlin's tightly controlled political system had lost the ability to transform itself and would be likely changed from the outside
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Khodorkovsky, whose oil empire once produced more crude than Qatar before he ran afoul of Putin, said the Kremlin's tightly controlled political system had lost the ability to transform itself and would be likely changed from the outside
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1 February 2032
For millions of patients who have lost limbs for reasons ranging from diabetes to trauma, the possibility of regaining function through natural regeneration was out of reach for ages. Regrowth of legs and arms like salamanders and superheroes is now true reality.
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For millions of patients who have lost limbs for reasons ranging from diabetes to trauma, the possibility of regaining function through natural regeneration was out of reach for ages. Regrowth of legs and arms like salamanders and superheroes is now true reality.
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4 November 2038
In the year 2038, the world is in turmoil, with the United States having been fractured as a result of prolonged conflict, and a pandemic of the "St. Mary's Virus" ravaging the European continent. The United Kingdom remains the only stable country, being ruled as a fascist police state under the governance of the Norsefire Party. Any similarity with today's EBOLA events aren't purely coincidental.
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In the year 2038, the world is in turmoil, with the United States having been fractured as a result of prolonged conflict, and a pandemic of the "St. Mary's Virus" ravaging the European continent. The United Kingdom remains the only stable country, being ruled as a fascist police state under the governance of the Norsefire Party. Any similarity with today's EBOLA events aren't purely coincidental.
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31 January 2030
Like the Apollo programme, we embark on this journey for all humanity. Unlike Apollo, we will be going to stay. In the next few decades, Nasa will take steps toward establishing a human presence beyond Earth. We seek the capacity for people to work, learn operate and sustainably live beyond Earth for extended periods of time. Any journey to Mars will take many months each way and early return is not an option.
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Like the Apollo programme, we embark on this journey for all humanity. Unlike Apollo, we will be going to stay. In the next few decades, Nasa will take steps toward establishing a human presence beyond Earth. We seek the capacity for people to work, learn operate and sustainably live beyond Earth for extended periods of time. Any journey to Mars will take many months each way and early return is not an option.
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16 May 2025
Както казва Jay Moriarty в "Chasing Mavericks" - "You ever see something and you think that's the reason you are put on this earth?" - това момче е видяло същото, само че израза трябва да завършва "you are put in the water".
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Както казва Jay Moriarty в "Chasing Mavericks" - "You ever see something and you think that's the reason you are put on this earth?" - това момче е видяло същото, само че израза трябва да завършва "you are put in the water".
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1 May 2030
Diesel and gasoline-powered vehicles officially are an endangered species in Germany, and possibly all of the EU. This after Germany’s Bundesrat has passed a resolution to ban the internal combustion engine starting in 2030, Germany’s Spiegel Magazin writes. Higher taxes may hasten the ICE’s departure.
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Diesel and gasoline-powered vehicles officially are an endangered species in Germany, and possibly all of the EU. This after Germany’s Bundesrat has passed a resolution to ban the internal combustion engine starting in 2030, Germany’s Spiegel Magazin writes. Higher taxes may hasten the ICE’s departure.
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1 May 2051
By 2040, cabs will be driven by Google robots, shops will become showrooms for online outlets and call centres will be staffed by intelligent droids. The competition for work caused by a rise in the robots population will see us heading to surgeons for ‘additional processing power for our brains’. We may also be requesting bionic implants for our hands that will make us able to perform tasks as fast as any machine. Futurologists, commissioned by global job search website xpatjobs.com, say "Those who take these risks and innovate with their own bodies will be the biggest earners in such decades".
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By 2040, cabs will be driven by Google robots, shops will become showrooms for online outlets and call centres will be staffed by intelligent droids. The competition for work caused by a rise in the robots population will see us heading to surgeons for ‘additional processing power for our brains’. We may also be requesting bionic implants for our hands that will make us able to perform tasks as fast as any machine. Futurologists, commissioned by global job search website xpatjobs.com, say "Those who take these risks and innovate with their own bodies will be the biggest earners in such decades".
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17 August 2036
The company believes that it would be more efficient to launch spaceships from the stratosphere because of the decreased fuel consumption involved. The researchers propose using a platform on top of the space lift as a launching pad, which could cut the cost of space flight by around one third. “Astronauts would ascend to 12 miles by electrical elevator, From the top of the tower, space planes will launch in a single stage to orbit, returning to the top of the tower for refueling and reflight,” The scientists say the elevator could also be used for scientific research, space tourism, communications, and wind-energy generation.
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The company believes that it would be more efficient to launch spaceships from the stratosphere because of the decreased fuel consumption involved. The researchers propose using a platform on top of the space lift as a launching pad, which could cut the cost of space flight by around one third. “Astronauts would ascend to 12 miles by electrical elevator, From the top of the tower, space planes will launch in a single stage to orbit, returning to the top of the tower for refueling and reflight,” The scientists say the elevator could also be used for scientific research, space tourism, communications, and wind-energy generation.
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27 March 2029
Before 2030, Russia plans to land its first cosmonauts on the Moon, and Europe wants a piece of the action. They’re a little late for the great space race of the ’60s, but the mission is an admirable push for the re-ignited interest in manned deep-space travel. On Tuesday, at a space and technology conference in Moscow, the head of Roscosmos Energia – Russia’s version of NASA – announced: “A manned flight to the Moon and lunar landing is planned for 2029.”
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Before 2030, Russia plans to land its first cosmonauts on the Moon, and Europe wants a piece of the action. They’re a little late for the great space race of the ’60s, but the mission is an admirable push for the re-ignited interest in manned deep-space travel. On Tuesday, at a space and technology conference in Moscow, the head of Roscosmos Energia – Russia’s version of NASA – announced: “A manned flight to the Moon and lunar landing is planned for 2029.”
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26 June 2028
The experimental device, developed within the company’s Google X research division, can measure pulse, heart rhythm and skin temperature, and also environmental information like light exposure and noise levels. It won’t be marketed as a consumer device, said Andy Conrad, head of the life sciences team at Google. “Our intended use is for this to become a medical device that’s prescribed to patients or used for clinical trials,” Conrad said in a telephone interview.
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The experimental device, developed within the company’s Google X research division, can measure pulse, heart rhythm and skin temperature, and also environmental information like light exposure and noise levels. It won’t be marketed as a consumer device, said Andy Conrad, head of the life sciences team at Google. “Our intended use is for this to become a medical device that’s prescribed to patients or used for clinical trials,” Conrad said in a telephone interview.
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20 September 2025
13 years ago, Netflix traded at just 85 cents a share; it closed at $102 a share on Friday. Hastings explained the fast growth of the company, stating "It's really the Internet. The Internet is transforming so many sectors of our economy, and we are Internet TV; and that sector has grown from very small 15 years ago to starting to be significant now." Hastings anticipates that sports networks that have had such success in maintaining an audience will ultimately adopt an on-demand model. Consumers will be able to watch any game on any device in the future, just as companies such as HBO currently provide.
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13 years ago, Netflix traded at just 85 cents a share; it closed at $102 a share on Friday. Hastings explained the fast growth of the company, stating "It's really the Internet. The Internet is transforming so many sectors of our economy, and we are Internet TV; and that sector has grown from very small 15 years ago to starting to be significant now." Hastings anticipates that sports networks that have had such success in maintaining an audience will ultimately adopt an on-demand model. Consumers will be able to watch any game on any device in the future, just as companies such as HBO currently provide.
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1 May 2027
The supercharged process, called C4 photosynthesis, boosts plants’ growth by capturing carbon dioxide and concentrating it in specialized cells in the leaves. That allows the photosynthetic process to operate much more efficiently. It’s the reason corn and sugarcane grow so productively; if C4 rice ever comes about, it will tower over conventional rice within a few weeks of planting.
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The supercharged process, called C4 photosynthesis, boosts plants’ growth by capturing carbon dioxide and concentrating it in specialized cells in the leaves. That allows the photosynthetic process to operate much more efficiently. It’s the reason corn and sugarcane grow so productively; if C4 rice ever comes about, it will tower over conventional rice within a few weeks of planting.
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27 May 2035
The hybrid aircraft would combine a small combustion jet engine with a battery and an electric motor to drive the propellers potentially using 50 percent less fuel than a conventional engine of the same output. The motor developed by Siemens has a power-to-weight ratio of 5kW/kg which is five times higher than a normal industrial motor giving it considerable power during take-off and climb and reduce the size of engine required for cruising.
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The hybrid aircraft would combine a small combustion jet engine with a battery and an electric motor to drive the propellers potentially using 50 percent less fuel than a conventional engine of the same output. The motor developed by Siemens has a power-to-weight ratio of 5kW/kg which is five times higher than a normal industrial motor giving it considerable power during take-off and climb and reduce the size of engine required for cruising.
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8 June 2050
German chancellor Angela Merkel announces commitment to ‘decarbonise global economy’.Merkel also announced that G7 governments had signed up to initiatives to work for an end to extreme poverty and hunger, reducing by 2030 the number of people living in hunger and malnutrition by 500 million, as well as improving the global response to epidemics in the light of the Ebola crisis.
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German chancellor Angela Merkel announces commitment to ‘decarbonise global economy’.Merkel also announced that G7 governments had signed up to initiatives to work for an end to extreme poverty and hunger, reducing by 2030 the number of people living in hunger and malnutrition by 500 million, as well as improving the global response to epidemics in the light of the Ebola crisis.
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27 April 2031
The founding of the Transhumanist Party of the United States, the intensifying of the U.S. BRAIN-Initiative and the start of Google’s project “Ending death” were important milestones in the year 2014, and potential further steps towards “transhumanist” politics. The most significant development was that the radical international technology community became a concrete political force, not by chance starting its global political initiative in the U.S
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The founding of the Transhumanist Party of the United States, the intensifying of the U.S. BRAIN-Initiative and the start of Google’s project “Ending death” were important milestones in the year 2014, and potential further steps towards “transhumanist” politics. The most significant development was that the radical international technology community became a concrete political force, not by chance starting its global political initiative in the U.S
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20 May 2025
Where the associate legal steps are taken," says Mercedes, "the Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 with the highway pilot system is the answer to the challenges of the future. The answer to increasing traffic, inadequate infrastructures, increasing cost pressure and a shortage of drivers.
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Where the associate legal steps are taken," says Mercedes, "the Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 with the highway pilot system is the answer to the challenges of the future. The answer to increasing traffic, inadequate infrastructures, increasing cost pressure and a shortage of drivers.
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7 July 2050
Since the space agencies announced the oficial flag of the Earth, it has to be told, that there is a flag of a nation, which is already official flag of another planet. It is supposed to symbolize the sun, but doesn't it look like the red planet ...
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Since the space agencies announced the oficial flag of the Earth, it has to be told, that there is a flag of a nation, which is already official flag of another planet. It is supposed to symbolize the sun, but doesn't it look like the red planet ...
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9 May 2025
The brain drain of the previous decade has reversed its flow; professionals, entrepreneurs and intellectuals are returning home to Russia. That’s where big money is made now, that’s where things happen. The mausoleum was removed from Red Square long ago. Now it is the main attraction of “Sovietland,” a park in a Moscow suburb where all the monuments of the totalitarian era were transplanted, a sort of historical Disneyland of the bygone epoch.
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The brain drain of the previous decade has reversed its flow; professionals, entrepreneurs and intellectuals are returning home to Russia. That’s where big money is made now, that’s where things happen. The mausoleum was removed from Red Square long ago. Now it is the main attraction of “Sovietland,” a park in a Moscow suburb where all the monuments of the totalitarian era were transplanted, a sort of historical Disneyland of the bygone epoch.
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30 April 2030
There are almost 50 synchrotron light sources in 23 different countries around the world, but Africa is currently the only habitable continent without such a facility. These machines work by accelerating electrons to high energies and then injecting them into a circular storage ring where they emit powerful beams of X-rays. The X-rays can then be used to study the structure and properties of materials in a range of disciplines, from condensed-matter physics to biology.
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There are almost 50 synchrotron light sources in 23 different countries around the world, but Africa is currently the only habitable continent without such a facility. These machines work by accelerating electrons to high energies and then injecting them into a circular storage ring where they emit powerful beams of X-rays. The X-rays can then be used to study the structure and properties of materials in a range of disciplines, from condensed-matter physics to biology.
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