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Sealed in 29 March 2016 16:31:31
Opened at: 14 June 2017 21:00:00
Mobile phone charges are finally abolished by European UnionSealed with Dogecoin Mobile phone charges are finally abolished by European Union

Members of the European parliament have voted through new rules that will scrap mobile roaming charges and stop holidaymakers returning home to the nightmare of a massive phone bill racked up on their travels.

The vote sees the deal reached between European authorities in June to scrap increased costs for calls, text and data while roaming with the EU, passed into law.

UK mobile phone users who travel within Europe will only have to pay the same prices as they would at home, curbing the cost of continued mobile connectivity while abroad.

Former vice-president of the European Commission and rapporteur for the Trade in Services Agreement, Viviane Reding said: “After 10 years of tireless fight, roaming is over. A victory for consumers and a stepping stone towards a truly European digital single market.”

Liberal Democrat MEP Catherine Bearder said: “The end of rip-off roaming fees is a massive win for British consumers. Driving down costs and making it easier to travel is what being in the EU is all about.

“This shows what we can achieve when Britain plays a leading role in Europe.”

The news was welcomed by campaigners, though some were cautious over some clauses that might limit the agreement’s utility for all.

Monique Goyens, director general of the European Consumer Organisation said: “Another cost cut for mobile use abroad by April 2016 is good news, but is still only a half-baked solution.

“Allowing companies to limit roaming rights for frequent travellers, for example, is certainly not the promised end of roaming in Europe. A real zero-roaming Europe hinges on a major telecom market reform, which is a mammoth task to achieve in just 13 months.”
More than two years in the making

The vote followed more than two years of negotiations and U-turns as the European parliament butted heads with EU member states concerned about the financial impact on their national telecoms groups.

The anti-roaming plans had been scheduled for the end of 2015, but were blocked in March by ministers of national governments through the European council.

The roaming plans were twinned with a vote over amendment to telecoms regulation that would have reinforced European net neutrality, the principle that internet service providers should not give preferential treatment to certain websites and services. The amendments were rejected, leading to criticism by net neutrality campaigners.

The commission is saying the new amendments to the telecoms market will be an end to “huge telephone bills ruining your holiday budget”.

This year, phone operators can still charge travellers to European member states up to 19 cents (14p) a minute for outgoing calls, five cents for incoming calls, six cents per text message, and 20 cents per megabyte of data downloaded, on top of their normal tariff.

In April next year those costs will be reduced to five cents per minute, two cents per SMS and five cents per MB. Roaming charges will not be completely removed until June 2017 and will require reform of the roaming wholesale market on which national phone operators across Europe trade services between each other.

It is this trade that allows UK mobile phone users to make calls, send texts and access data using European networks while in countries such as Germany, Spain or France.

Some operators ahead of the pack

Some UK mobile operators have come out ahead of the roaming changes, others have stuck steadfastly to increased charges that can see bills of hundreds of pounds for holidaymaker usage that would not seem out of the ordinary in the UK.

Some operators, including Vodafone UK, added daily charges to user bills for use of their allowance in European countries. Others, including Hong Kong conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa’s Three UK mobile, removed roaming charges for those travelling to a selection of European countries, mirroring the end goal for the newly passed legislation.

Kester Mann, mobile operators analyst with CCS Insight, said: “A number of providers have opted to offer inclusive roaming in many tariffs. This is a smart and differentiating move given that has resonated well with customers – Three’s Feel at Home service has saved customers £1.3bn in roaming charges and has been used by over 2 million customers.”

Ernest Doku from Uswitch said: “Bill shock from holidaying in the EU affects more than 9 million UK mobile users a year according to our research.”

One-fifth of UK mobile users travelling to the EU in the last year have faced higher than usual bills for usage, collectively amounting to £573m, according to data from Uswitch. The average charge added to bills was £61 on top of a user’s standard contract charge, while 17% faced bills of £100 or more.

Not universal approval

The abolishment of roaming charges was not met with universal approval. In the days before the vote Roger Helmer MEP tabled an amendment to reject the agreement on behalf of Ukip.

Helmer said: “Lower prices for jet-setters will mean higher domestic prices. The EU plan is good for MEPs, bad for voters.”

The next step for regulators is a reform of the roaming wholesale market, which has potential to further delay the process of roaming charge removal beyond June 2017, should talks drag.

Once agreements are in place, it could take the European mobile phone operator market one step closer to being free of its current geographic restrictions.

Mark Windle, head of marketing for telecoms software provider OpenCloud said: “Most mobile network operators are limited to a market defined by their own radio-access network – services are defined by, and delivered from, individual service-siloes in each country – but service provision is capable of being pan-European, if not global.

“The change in roaming charges may flatten the EU for travellers, the creation of a single communications market is not yet in place. But it is coming.”


Age: 15 months Observers 0 Views : 1310 Owner: EU Guardian
Owner: EU Guardian
Sealed in 09 August 2014 20:58:13
Opened at: 26 May 2017 21:00:00
The truth about the real scale of French Army Mutinies of World War I and the following mass military trialsSealed with Dogecoin The truth about the real scale of French Army Mutinies of World War I and the following mass military trials

On 27 May 1917 around 30,000 French infantry soldiers upped and left their front line trenches on the Western Front. They were mostly battle-hardened veterans who had had enough of their high command’s orders for increasingly futile attacks. They didn’t harm their officers, they just refused to return to the trenches.

The French military authorities, alarmed by news of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, responded swiftly and decisively: mass arrests followed by mass trials. There were around 3,500 courts-martial; around 23,000 men were convicted of some form of mutiny, of whom around 550 were sentenced to death. It is thought that only around 30-50 men were actually shot, while the rest were jailed. The numbers are sketchy because of the 100 year secrecy order placed on the details by a French government nervous of shattering morale across the country. In fact, the scale of the mutinies were not revealed until later in the twentieth century.

More info here:

Age: 34 months Observers 0 Views : 1192 Owner: Dagger_69
Owner: Dagger_69
Sealed in 29 April 2017 09:15:55
Opened at: 01 May 2017 02:00:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Boxing prediction: What is on the Klitschko prerecorded usb stick about his fight of the ages versus Joshua

MY WILD PREDICTIONS IS: Klitschko will devastate Joshua in the 6th round and demolish him in the 7th with straight punch knockout

Wladimir Klitschko has recorded his prediction of Saturday's fight against Anthony Joshua on a USB stick which will be sewn into his robe.

Klitschko will wear the robe to the ring and then auction it off after the fight to raise money for his charity foundation.

Only then will the successful bidder be able to watch the video to see if the veteran fighter's prediction for his Wembley contest with Joshua - live on Sky Sports Box Office - was accurate.

Klitschko made the confident revelation during a packed media briefing at Sky Central in west London, where both men were full of mutual respect ahead of Saturday night's blockbuster contest.

"On this stick, I recorded a video last week I gave my prediction," Klitschko revealed, holding up the memory stick. "This stick is going to be integrated into my robe.

"Do not ask me, after that fight, what is on the stick. The only person who is going to be able to open it up and watch it is the person who buys this robe, with all the money going to the Klitschko Foundation."

Joshua, meanwhile, believes he can etch his name among the greats of boxing by winning Saturday's Wembley showdown.

The Brit will defend his IBF crown in the fight and compete for the IBO and WBA super titles vacated by Tyson Fury, who won them by beating Klitschko in November 2015.

That was the Ukrainian's first defeat for more than 11 years, and Joshua is well aware of the impact a victory over Klitschko will have on his own legacy in the sport.

"I always try to strip things right back to basics," he said. "It is just me and a man trading blows and the best man will win.

"I am preparing myself not only for a physical battle but a mental battle with anyone. April 29 is another stepping stone towards greatness."


Age: 2 days Observers 0 Views : 1081 Owner: Chick chi Ring 11
Owner: Chick chi Ring 11
Sealed in 02 May 2016 11:49:43
Opened at: 30 April 2017 21:00:00
Sealed with Dogecoin PHP 7 Will...

PHP 7 Will rock developers way of working and will improove times over web server capacity.

Age: 12 months Observers 0 Views : 1047 Owner: PHP dev
Owner: PHP dev
Sealed in 01 January 2016 21:09:03
Opened at: 30 April 2017 21:00:00
Hey, est-ce que t'as enfin réussi à devenir assexuel assumé ?

Non parce que je me le demande si ça viendra un jour.

Age: 16 months Observers 0 Views : 968 Owner: Nihir
Owner: Nihir
Sealed in 18 July 2016 14:58:41
Opened at: 21 April 2017 08:00:00
Now every cyka blyat with a bike could have Livemap on his head - first Russian VR Helmet released on Mobile World CongressSealed with Dogecoin Now every cyka blyat with a bike could have Livemap on his head - first Russian VR Helmet released on Mobile World Congress

LiveMap – The Next Big Hi-Tech Helmet?

Following my recent first impressions article on the SKULLY AR-1, I was contacted by Andrew Artishchev, founder and CEO of Livemap helmets. He wanted to show me a second prototype of the Livemap helmet, and I was keen on seeing it so I agreed to meet with him. His idea is quite complex, yet bold and innovative. Livemap is a smart helmet that has a HUD that displays navigation and features voice command capabilities, as well as the ability to record and stream video.

I’m sure a lot of you have heard of LiveMap; we’ve covered it in the past here on RideApart. Perhaps to some it’s an exhausting topic and/or product. However, Artishchev is adamant to have moto journalists get their hands on it (well, the prototype at least) to show the moto community that his project/product is coming along, with hopes of seeing motorcyclists wearing the LiveMap helmet early next year.

It’s clearly an exciting time for moto gear technology, and I'm all in.

Livemap Features

Artishchev came up with the LiveMap concept in 2008. He was able to obtain obtain a quarter of a million dollar grant from the Russian Ministry of Science in 2014, and to date, he spent a total of million to develop two LiveMap prototypes.

The initial design for the helmet was based on the helmets that fighter pilot's use. It had a projector to display the HUD image onto the actual visor screen — positioned on the top of the helmet — but Artishchev felt it wouldn't pass safety testing. So the new design will have the projector (which will be much smaller than what he showed me) living near the chin, which he claims is where the helmet receives the least amount of impact during a crash.

The main purpose of the LiveMap HUD is to provide safe navigation. The HUD will display a map that's generated from Navtech, which is Artishchev's preferred source for route information. The HUD will also provide images in full color, and unlike some HUDs, the image is bright enough not to be affected by ambient light.

I tried on the prototype helmet. Immediately, it was interesting to see something projected right on the visor, but I was a bit concerned about visibility. Artishchev assured me that the image will not impede the motorcyclist's views as it only covers an approximately 20 degrees of vision. He also mentioned that the helmet will have all the proper safety ratings (i.e, DOT, ECE, etc.).

As mentioned earlier, the final version of the LiveMap helmet will have a camera built-in to specifically record and stream live video onto sites such as YouTube, Periscope, etc. To me, this is actually a very desirable feature. I currently see plenty of motorists riding with GoPros strapped to their helmet, and integration of that sort of video technology could be a vast improvement.

So what will power all of the features this helmet claims to deliver? Artishchev plans to equip the helmet with a 64bit arm processor chip with LTE advanced processing (similar to a cellphone like the Galaxy S6). It's also standalone, so the LiveMap helmet wouldn't need to be paired with a cell phone.

When it comes to battery life, it will hold power for roughly four to six hours. As for the final look, Artishchev said LiveMap will be a modular helmet made of carbon fiber materials to ensure a lightweight wear.
What's Next for LiveMap?

I asked Artishchev when we will actually see a finished product and he said he plans to have the third a final prototype completed by the end of this summer. From there he will complete the industrial design and have the first production of the LiveMap helmet by the middle of December. The goal is to have helmets on customers' heads by spring 2017.

As for actually manufacturing the LiveMap helmet, Artishchev isn't going to do it himself. He has been in talks with helmet manufacturers (he didn't tell me whom specifically) to help him produce the LiveMap. This will hopefully help expedite production.

As for price, it comes in at $2,000, which can be a hefty price tag. But if he delivers 100 percent of what he said the helmet will do, then I feel like this isn't unreasonable — at least at first.

I think LiveMap is a really cool concept. As you can see in the pictures, the second prototype left a lot to be desired aesthetically, but the final LiveMap helmet will most likely look more refined. As I mentioned earlier, I think the addition of a built-in camera that can live stream video will be incredibly useful. It's something that Russia currently adopts in their cars now, so extending it to motorcyclists is great. To have crystal clear navigation and voice commands right there with you would really make LiveMap a top contender in the smart helmet category. Only time will tell...





Age: 9 months Observers 0 Views : 986 Owner: Sepp CykaBlyatter
Owner: Sepp CykaBlyatter
Sealed in 26 March 2016 01:08:06
Opened at: 29 March 2017 16:30:00
Movie prediction - DISTRICT 10 - A promise is a PROMISESealed with Dogecoin Movie prediction: DISTRICT 10 - A promise is a PROMISE

3 years have passed, the prawns are living in District 10. They are now forced to work in factories that have been built specifically for them, or in mines, to keep the aliens too busy to get in trouble and to lessen the drain on the economy. The profits from such ventures have made some higher ups VERY rich, and the general public is also benefiting with better roads, new hospitals and schools.

However, on the outside, protest groups have sprung up against the forced labor of the prawns, with Wilkus' wife as their main voice. On the inside, under the guidance of one prawn leader, some prawns have begun to plan a revolution. MNU has become more relaxed in its searches, incorrectly believing the prawns now to be too docile and tired to be secretly building and stockpiling weapons. The leader of the revolution is Wilkus.

Then one day a ship returns. The rescue has begun.

The aliens announce they only want to retrieve their people, but they will fight if need be. Afraid of the loss of many of their people, they begin to negotiate peacefully with the higher ups, who see this as a HUGE financial loss.

The arrogant, greedy and over-confident higher ups see the new ship as a chance to acquire more slaves. They pretend to negotiate with the new aliens, whose leader is Christopher, asking for time to find replacement workers, and saying if they let them all go at once the loss would be too great, that hospitals and schools would have to close and the public would revolt. Covertly they hatch a plan to disable the new ship, now knowing it can not operate without the command module. They begin building powerful missiles that can be aimed directly at the command module. Wilkus' Father-in-law is one of these higher ups.

Christopher and some of the aliens have visited the camps and observed the treatment of their people and have become impatient. However still not willing to begin a war that would kill many of their people, the alien leaders agree to give them time. Christopher learns of the revolution and the existence of Wilkus and makes contact with him. He tells Wilkus to wait, that to begin the revolution now would only undermine the plans of what he believes to be a peaceful negotiation. He gives Wilkus a small piece of technology that they can use for communication, but tells him to only use it in an emergency as it can be traced when in operation.

Members of the protest group led by Wilkus' wife have been secretly working on the inside with the prawns to relay information back to her and the others. When they find out about the revolution and who its leader is one of them reveals himself to him and Wilkus sends a message to his wife in the form of a flower he has made.

Even though Wilkus Father in law and wife are on opposite sides, they still communicate. Wilkus Father in law is slowly becoming disenchanted with the plan to disable the ship, as too many human lives would be lost in the process, he doesn't agree with the other higher ups who are referring to the loss of life as collateral damage.

She knows when the revolution happens, many lives will be lost on both sides, and she's still not even sure what it would accomplish. She's sitting on the couch holding the flower and crying when her Father comes for a visit. Seeing his daughter upset, (although he doesn't know the whole picture) and feeling guilty about the plan and the way Wilkus was treated, he reveals the plan of the higher ups to her. The missiles are nearly ready to go.

She sends the message to Wilkus.

Wilkus communicates the plan of the higher ups to Christopher. MNU picks up a signal going from the camp to the ship, but not what was said. Wilkus tells the other prawns that the revolution will begin that night, however suddenly the camp begins to fill with soldiers searching for the device from which the signal was broadcast. Wilkus and the others arm themselves and begin fighting back. The revolution has begun.

Small ships come down from the mother ship, with more prawns to help in the fighting. Anti aircraft missiles shoot down as many possible but some still make it to the ground.

Wilkus wife and the other protesters are outside the camp, calling out for peace and an end to the bloodshed, they are being pushed back by MNU soldiers, some are being arrested. She runs along the fence to a part which backs up to a highly wooded area and loses the soldiers who go back to deal with the other protesters. News reaches Wilkus that his wife is just outside the fence and he tries to reach her, having firefights all the way and getting shot.

The higher ups have decided to go ahead with the missiles even though they're untested. They bring out the missiles and fire the first one towards the command module of the ship. It misses. As the fighting goes on below, they fire a second missile which this time hits the target and disables the ship. There is a big "hoorah!" in the command room, as they know they've won and it will only be a matter of time before the prawns have to surrender.

When the second missile hits the ship, some of the fighting stops as they look up at the powerful explosion. Wilkus uses this distraction to finally reach the fence with his wife on the other side. As they reach through the fence to grasp hands, an alien voice comes through Wilkus communicator. They look in each others eyes, a look of fear and concern crosses her face.

Christopher is on a communicator in the big ship, saying "Peaceful negotiations have failed."

More mother ships come down and begin to fill the sky.....

Source (by susanmj
» Wed Sep 23 2015 11:05:06) :

Age: 12 months Observers 0 Views : 1129 Owner: susanmj
Owner: susanmj
Sealed in 24 February 2016 17:12:57
Opened at: 17 March 2017 15:00:00
Disney new Beauty Queen - Emma Watson, starts her own Singing Career after Beauty and the Beast movieSealed with Dogecoin Disney's new Beauty Queen - Emma Watson, starts her own Singing Career after "Beauty and the Beast" movie

Emma Watson has made a unique choice to pick films that portray her so well. Her latest project “Beauty and the Beast” is one of the most talked about these days. In the latest revelation it is said that Watson is going to sing three songs for the movie, well Watson has been silent about the role and has not spoken about in detail. Read on to find out more about Emma Watson starred as Belle in “Beauty and the Beast.” Read on for more details.

According to VC Post, the songs are written by Allan Menken who is known for his scores of popular Disney movies like “The Little Mermaid” and “Aladdin.” Watson is said to be very excited for her first attempt of singing three songs in a single flick. It seems that Watson is definitely open to explore various things when it comes to work.

The movie is an adaptation of old musical animated romantic tale of 1991. Watson is starred as the lead Belle which was originally played by Paige O’Hara. Opposite her, Dan Stevens will take on the role of the Beast. This part is said to more detailed and layered which will include parts of the story that remained untold in the original.

Watson stated that, “beauty seems like a completion of a nice little circle”. She has indeed turned in to a graceful beauty now when we look back her first avatar of Hermione in “Harry Potter”. Her transition is from the role of a little girl to lady stepping into women hood in the newest role is commendable.

“Beauty and the Beast” will hit the theatres on Mar. 17, 2017.


Age: 13 months Observers 0 Views : 1322 Owner: Belladel
Owner: Belladel
Sealed in 09 August 2015 14:14:58
Opened at: 06 March 2017 08:30:00
The Dubai Museum of the Future becomes global destination for inventors and entrepreneursSealed with Dogecoin The Dubai Museum of the Future becomes global destination for inventors and entrepreneurs

If you’re headed to Dubai in the next couple years, you might want to stop by the Museum of the Future, a space filled with “innovation labs” that will highlight the best in smart cities, energy and transport.

It’s no surprise that Dubai would take this 21st century World’s Fair-like approach — it’s probably the most artificial, manufactured place on the planet (sorry, Vegas). So it makes total sense that they’d just go ahead and make it official with a museum about things that haven’t happened yet.

The plans were revealed today by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, VP and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai. The Museum will open in 2017 in the Emirates Towers area near Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai.

“The Museum of the Future will be an incubator for ideas and real designs, a driver for innovation and a global destination for inventors and entrepreneurs,” said Sheikh Mohammad at the launch, according to Gulf News. They report that the Museum’s motto will be “See the future, create the future.”


Official website:

Official YouTube channel of the Museum:

Age: 19 months Observers 0 Views : 1223 Owner: Brain SandStorm
Owner: Brain SandStorm
Sealed in 26 February 2016 01:19:39
Opened at: 28 February 2017 00:00:00
Movie Prediction: Natalie Portman faces Annihilation, materializing horror fans dark dreamsSealed with Dogecoin Movie Prediction: Natalie Portman faces Annihilation, materializing horror fans dark dreams

More exciting news released on the production of director Alex Garland’s Sci-Fi Thriller “Annihilation”. The film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name, written by Jeff

VanderMeer. Alex Garland is notable for his work on “Ex Machina”, “28 Days Later”, “Dredd” and“Sunshine”. “Annihilation” entered production in 2015. Earlier news reports reveal that Natalie Portman (“V for Vendetta”, “Black Swan”, “Star Wars: Episode III –Revenge of the Sith”) and Gina Rodriguez (“Jane The Virgin”, “Interstate”, “Filly Brown”) will star.
News reveal that Tessa Thompson of “Creed” fame will also join the crew. Of course, this has yet to be confirmed.

For those unfamiliar with “Annihilation”, it is a novel written by Jeff VanderMeer. The story follows a small group of women; an anthropologist, a surveyor, a psychologist, and a biologist. Their mission is to map the terrain, record all observations of their surroundings and one another. Above all avoid they mustn’t risk getting contaminated by Area X itself. Below is a thorough description of the novel.

Annihilation, the Novel Synopsis:

Area X has been cut off from the rest of the continent for decades. Nature has reclaimed the las vestiges of human civilization. The first expedition returned with reports of a pristine, Edenic landscape; the second expedition ended in mass suicide, the third expedition in a hail of gunfire as its members turned on one another. The members of the eleventh expedition returned as shadows of their former selves, and within weeks, all had died of cancer.They arrive expecting the unexpected, and Area X delivers―they discover a massive topographic anomaly and life forms that surpass understanding―but it’s the surprises that came across the border with them and the secrets the expedition members are keeping from one another that change everything.

Paramount picked up the film adaptation to Annihilation”. Production begins Spring of 2016. Unfortunately, this will pose a conflict for Gina Rodriguez from starring in “Star Wars: Episode VIII”. On the bright side, “Annihilation” could be her biggest moment yet since “Jane the Virgin”. The film will be written by Garland and VanderMeer, and produced by Scott Rudin.


Age: 12 months Observers 0 Views : 1266 Owner: Southern Reach
Owner: Southern Reach

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