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Sealed in 27 November 2018 23:16:57
Opened at: 28 November 2018 02:00:00


Age: 3 hours Observers 0 Views : 585
Sealed in 03 February 2016 22:58:46
Opened at: 23 November 2018 04:30:00
Sealed with Dogecoin Big Leap Prediction: First Human Memory Boosting Brain Implant

“You have to begin to lose your memory, if only bits and pieces, to realize that memory is what makes our lives. Life without memory is no life at all.” — Luis Buñuel Portolés, Filmmaker

Every year, hundreds of millions of people experience the pain of a failing memory.

The reasons are many: traumatic brain injury, which haunts a disturbingly high number of veterans and football players; stroke or Alzheimer’s disease, which often plagues the elderly; or even normal brain aging, which inevitably touches us all.

Memory loss seems to be inescapable. But one maverick neuroscientist is working hard on an electronic cure. Funded by DARPA, Dr. Theodore Berger, a biomedical engineer at the University of Southern California, is testing a memory-boosting implant that mimics the kind of signal processing that occurs when neurons are laying down new long-term memories.

The revolutionary implant, already shown to help memory encoding in rats and monkeys, is now being tested in human patients with epilepsy — an exciting first that may blow the field of memory prosthetics wide open.

To get here, however, the team first had to crack the memory code.

A Human Memory Implant

Last year, the team cautiously began testing their memory implant prototype in human volunteers.

Because of the risks associated with brain surgery, the team recruited 12 patients with epilepsy, who already have electrodes implanted into their brain to track down the source of their seizures.

Repeated seizures steadily destroy critical parts of the hippocampus needed for long-term memory formation, explained Berger. So if the implant works, it could benefit these patients as well.

The team asked the volunteers to look through a series of pictures, and then recall which ones they had seen 90 seconds later. As the participants learned, the team recorded the firing patterns in both CA1 and CA3 — that is, the input and output nodes.

Using these data, the team extracted an algorithm — a specific human “memory code” — that could predict the pattern of activity in CA1 cells based on CA3 input. Compared to the brain’s actual firing patterns, the algorithm generated correct predictions roughly 80% of the time.

It’s not perfect, said Berger, but it’s a good start.

Using this algorithm, the researchers have begun to stimulate the output cells with an approximation of the transformed input signal.

We have already used the pattern to zap the brain of one woman with epilepsy, said Dr. Dong Song, an associate professor working with Berger. But he remained coy about the result, only saying that although promising, it’s still too early to tell.

Song’s caution is warranted. Unlike the motor cortex, with its clear structured representation of different body parts, the hippocampus is not organized in any obvious way.

It’s hard to understand why stimulating input locations can lead to predictable results, said Dr. Thoman McHugh, a neuroscientist at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute. It’s also difficult to tell whether such an implant could save the memory of those who suffer from damage to the output node of the hippocampus.

“That said, the data is convincing,” McHugh acknowledged.

Berger, on the other hand, is ecstatic. “I never thought I’d see this go into humans,” he said.

But the work is far from done. Within the next few years, Berger wants to see whether the chip can help build long-term memories in a variety of different situations. After all, the algorithm was based on the team’s recordings of one specific task — what if the so-called memory code is not generalizable, instead varying based on the type of input that it receives?

Berger acknowledges that it’s a possibility, but he remains hopeful.

I do think that we will find a model that’s a pretty good fit for most conditions, he said. After all, the brain is restricted by its own biophysics — there’s only so many ways that electrical signals in the hippocampus can be processed, he said.

“The goal is to improve the quality of life for somebody who has a severe memory deficit,” said Berger. “If I can give them the ability to form new long-term memories for half the conditions that most people live in, I’ll be happy as hell, and so will be most patients.”


Age: 34 months Observers 0 Views : 610 Owner: Mega ReMind
Owner: Mega ReMind
Sealed in 10 November 2018 23:33:52
Opened at: 17 November 2018 18:00:00
Itt az idő


Age: 7 days Observers 0 Views : 574 Owner: Csávás Gergely
Owner: Csávás Gergely
Sealed in 01 October 2018 04:51:15
Opened at: 31 October 2018 22:00:00
Minki`s timepassword



Age: 1 month Observers 0 Views : 576 Owner: Minki
Owner: Minki
Sealed in 05 October 2018 21:26:43
Opened at: 12 October 2018 21:00:00

GTA SA Any% сейчас саб-4. А? А? А?

Age: 7 days Observers 0 Views : 615
Sealed in 05 October 2018 21:25:57
Opened at: 12 October 2018 21:00:00

Is now sub-4

Age: 7 days Observers 0 Views : 656
Sealed in 10 September 2018 13:21:51
Opened at: 30 September 2018 21:00:00
Minki`s timecapsule



Age: 3 weeks Observers 0 Views : 655 Owner: Minki Park
Owner: Minki Park
Sealed in 08 September 2018 13:36:51
Opened at: 30 September 2018 21:00:00
IOS blocking password (세로로 읽어야함 - 둘 중 하나)

IOS blocking password (세로로 읽어야함 - 둘 중 하나)

Age: 3 weeks Observers 0 Views : 716 Owner: Minki (
Owner: Minki (
Sealed in 15 September 2014 23:26:54
Opened at: 30 July 2018 09:30:00
Sealed with Dogecoin PROJECT TALOS delivers a future generation combat suit to US Special Forces

The United States military could soon have its very own Iron Man suit. The prototype is set to debut within weeks. The suit is a robotic exoskeleton designed to enhance human abilities in battle. Time will tell how well it compares to Tony Stark’s superhero suit, but the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) is being devised to assist its wearer in lifting heavy loads, protect them from bullets and provide the lucky soldier with information concerning their environment using sensors, cameras and advanced displays. TALOS will have bulletproof armor, 360-degree cameras with built-in night vision capabilities, sensors that can detect injuries and apply wound-sealing foam.

Admiral McRaven, the Commander of USSOCOM, has tasked the TALOS Team with delivering a first generation combat suit that provides evolutionary improvement to survivability and endurance no later than 20 June 2014. The first independently operational combat suit prototype and associated support equipment, yielding a revolutionary improvement in operator capability, lethality and survivability has been directed to be delivered no later than 30 July 2018.

In Greek mythology Talos was a giant man, or according to others maybe a bull, made of bronze that guarded the island of Crete. This giant was given the task of patrolling the island by walking around three times a day. Talos would drive pirates from the shore with a fiery death embrace or by throwing rocks.

TALOS is being developed by engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the United States Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM), as well as other researchers at other academic institutions and businesses. The suit’s technology will be rigorously tested. According to William McRaven, head of the United States Special Operations Command, military personnel hopes to have operational systems join in battle no later than August 2018. If the suit is done correctly it will produce a revolutionary improvement in capability and survivability for special operations.

The TALOS project started out as a way to explore how modern technology can be used to protect special operations officers better in combat zones. McRaven said,

This technology could give American soldiers a huge comparative advantage over our enemies and give our warriors the protection they need. With all the advances in modern technology, I know we can do better.

With so much technology at our hands it definitely sounds as if the U.S. military will have a totally different look and feel in the near future. Who knows, perhaps robotic soldiers may eventually outnumber human soldiers. This news of the Iron Man prototype debuting next month makes this seem like a real possibility.

Official website of the project:

Age: 47 months Observers 0 Views : 1375 Owner: Dagger_69
Owner: Dagger_69
Sealed in 07 July 2018 15:07:00
Opened at: 16 July 2018 06:00:00
Sealed with Dogecoin FIFA WORLD CUP 2018 Blyat prediction

Quarter finals:

England 2:2 Sweden (2:3 after 120mins)

Russia 1:3 Croatia (Smolov, Rakitic, Rakitic, Mandzukic)

SEMI finals:

France 1:1 Belgium (5:6 after penalties, Mbappe misses the crucial one)

Sweden 0:2 Croatia (Modric, Perisic)


Belgium 2:3 Croatia (ALL TIME greatest world cup final in the UEAF history)

Goal scorers: Mertens, Mandzukic, Modric, Hazard, VRSALJKO)

Age: 1 week Observers 0 Views : 782 Owner: Dagger_69
Owner: Dagger_69

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