Haiiii aku di tahun 2024! Jangan lupa bersyukur dulu sebelum baca ini.. alhamdulillah...
Oiya hari ini kamu lumayan produktif lho tp masih sering onlinenya si dibanding fokusnya.. gapapa besok cobain lagi yaah...
Hari ini kamu berjuang nenangin hatimu, mantepin keputusanmu ambil S2 utk kejar cita2mu dapetin LPDP. It was hard ya? Apalagi baru resign bbrp hari kemarin, but its okay i think you will be fine.. semangattt kalo misal kamu lagi ngerjain thesis pas baca ini hehehe ato semisal kamu lagi kerja di company yg kamu mau, ato lagi ketemu orang yang lagi kamu suka?
I hope you are happy when you read this.. I always proud of you, hold on yaa{}
Microwave oven..
The microwave was invented by Percy Spencer, who worked for a company called Raytheon, a manufacturer of radar devices, and the microwave invention came in 1945.
In my opinion it's an important device in every house, it is used to heat food, or to boil water, or dissolve frozen meat in just minutes, the microwave oven was invented at the end of the Second World War, at first the microwave was very large and expensive, people did not trust it because of the radiation in which it is used, and in the end, the technology improved and fears faded, and the microwave is now used in every house
The full video hre: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntWouwgOwhI (hope they will keep it in the next 10 years :D ). The other predictions from this commercial are: your hand will a book, a computer, a drawing tool. You will be able to play with a 3D dinosaur in your living room. Be careful what you wish for :D
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